Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL refers to the recognition of prior, uncertified learning. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) referred to RPL is understood as: “the principles and processes through which the prior knowledge and skills of a person are made visible, mediated and rigorously assessed and moderated for the purposes of alternative access and admission, recognition, or further learning and development.” (SAQA, 2013; CHE, 2016).
SAIA recognises the importance of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in South Africa for the development of an equitable education and training system that facilitates access to, mobility and progression, including movement between the three sub-frameworks of the NQF as well as registration with professional bodies.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to activities that update your initial Auctioneering knowledge and skills, in order to remain relevant and maintain effectiveness in your profession at the level of the SAIA Designation you were awarded. CPD is as a lifelong learning commitment to an on-going and measurable personal and professional development process, to maintain current competency levels and acquire new knowledge and skills related to one’s profession. CPD also involves the development of personal qualities necessary in the wider aspect of exercising one’s career, e.g. management skills.
SAIA’s responsibility as a professional body in relation to CPD is to develop, monitor and enforce standards that ensure the continuous development and maintenance of professional competence of professionals in the Auctioneering sector.
SAIA Membership PolicySAIA Designation Competency StandardSAIA Policy on Foreign QualificationsSAIA Qualification Equivalence Practice Note
Please click on the policy to download or review.
SAIA will recognise institutions who have met the criteria laid down by the SAIA for offering CPD education and training courses or activities, and their CPD offerings.